Graston-certified Athletic Trainer Jillian Gleason:

The Graston Technique is a soft-tissue therapy using special, patented tools that help detect and remove scar tissue that can limit range of motion, and even cause pain. It’s become a standard protocol in universities and hospital-based outpatient facilities, and is also being used by NBA, NHL, NFL and Major League Baseball trainers. It’s equally effective at treating acute and chronic injuries, and most notice positive results by their third or fourth treatment.
GPT offers Graston-certified therapy at affordable rates. For more on Graston and the conditions it can help with, check out this page.
Email with any inquiries.
I had never tried Graston, but Jill recommended it as part of my recovery from an ankle injury that just wouldn’t go away. Within a few sessions, my ankle was feeling better than it has in years and all the pain and stiffness I was experiencing was gone. I would highly recommend Graston with Jill to anyone. It’s well worth the investment. -Pat D.
After two Graston sessions with Jillian, the twisted knot in my shoulder that had been bothering me for months and that had started to interfere with my driving, disappeared. I’m a fan! Cindy S.
As a college athlete I beat my body up pretty bad. I often feel like an old man getting out of bed in season and I’m only 19. Baseball keeps me away from home for most of the year but when I do make it home I always find time for a Graston session with Jill. That’s the only way I can make it through a 9 month long season. -Simon M.
Graston I received from Jill Gleason was excellent. After sustaining injuries to my knee and hand, graston was very beneficial in my recovery process. Every session helped me get closer to where i was pre-injury and having no pain in my ranges of motion. I would recommend Graston to anyone sustaining joint or tendon/ligament ailments. -Tyler T.
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